Worcester Credit Union


Banks & Credit Unions

About Us

Worcester Credit Union is a state-chartered nonprofit that operates under the oversight of a volunteer Board of Directors and Worcester Credit Union’s membership. We are not incentivized to maximize profit and instead seek only to be profitable so that we may remain sustainable and continue offering genuine financial services that benefit our membership to the best of our abilities. That is why we are here, and that is what sets us apart from many other financial institutions.

Our roots date back to 1934 when we started out as Worcester Teacher’s Credit Union. Over time, we joined together with other local credit unions to serve additional segments of the Worcester community such as municipal employees and their families.

Today, our field of membership is less segment-based and more community-focused where anyone that lives, works, worships, or attends school anywhere in Worcester County is now eligible for membership; as are their family members regardless of where they might live. In addition to the geographic component, a savings account and a minimum $5.00 deposit is also required to become a member. Any member that moves out of our geography still remains eligible for lifetime membership.

Rep/Contact Info

Justin Cheverier
Branch Manager
Veronika Tovanyan
Vice President Retail